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Planet > New York
Show: New York Cities, TV, FM, AM, Sports, Team Sports -- Order By: Frequency, City

Depew, NY Area AM Broadcast Stations*

Ordered By Callsign:

(Right-click, Ctrl-click or Shift-click on links to open in a new tab or window)
WASB1590BBrockport, NY(edit)  Wiki
WBBF1120DBuffalo, NY(edit)  Wiki
WBEN930BBuffalo, NY(edit)  Wiki
WBTA1490CBatavia, NY(edit)  Wiki
WCJW1140DWarsaw, NY(edit)  Wiki
WDCX990BRochester, NY(edit)  Wiki
WDOE1410BDunkirk, NY(edit)  Wiki
WECK1230CCheektowag a, NY(edit)  Wiki
WGR550BBuffalo, NY(edit)  Wiki
WHLD1270BNiagara Falls, NY(edit)  Wiki
WJJL1440DNiagara Falls, NY(edit)  Wiki
WLVL1340CLockport, NY(edit)  Wiki
WNED970BBuffalo, NY(edit)  Wiki
WSPQ1330BSpringvill e, NY(edit)  Wiki
WTOR770DYoungstown , NY(edit)  Wiki
WUFO1080DAmherst, NY(edit)  Wiki
WWKB1520ABuffalo, NY(edit)  Wiki
WWWS1400CBuffalo, NY(edit)  Wiki
WXRL1300BLancaster, NY(edit)  Wiki

*Broadcast stations within 50 miles of city center. Reception depends upon station power and the type, position, and orientation of both station and receiving antennae.

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